Extracurricular Activities
FRENCH (Ages 4 through elementary)
Dates: September 11th-December 11th (no class Sept. 18th)
When: Mondays 3:00 – 4:00 PM – Primary and Elementary
Cost: $220 (includes snack)
Contact: Beth Nazemi nazemibeth@gmail.com
Checks payable to Beth Nazemi
Registration and payment returned to CMS
SPANISH (Ages 4 to 7)
Dates: September 14th-December 14th (no class November 23rd)
When: Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 PM – Primary and Elementary
Cost: $220 (includes snack)
Contact Maria: mjsantoyo14@gmail.com
Checks payable to Maria Santoyo
Registration and payment returned to CMS
MUSIC CLASSES (Ages 3-6 years)
Dates: Ongoing
When: Tuesdays
3:00 – 3:40 PM
Cost: $65/month
Contact: Yulia Rife, 314-707-7913, yulia@mildermusicalarts.com Private lessons on Thursdays and Fridays, please contact Yulia directly.
Checks payable to Yulia Rife
Registration and payment returned to CMS
KIDS’ YOGA (Ages 3+)
Dates: September 25th – December 4th
When: Tuesdays from 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Cost: $150 per child
Contact: Sara Clem sara@salveoyoga.com
Register and Pay Online: salveoyoga.com
*Register by Sept. 1 and receive “The Yogakids Tools for School flashcard set” (retail value $ 29). Students must bring their own labeled yoga mat; 5 student minimum
Dates: TBA
When: Wednesdays from 3:00 – 3:35 PM
Cost: $110 for a 10 week session
Contact: Joe Schiro joeschiro@soccershots.org
Register and Pay Online: stlouis.ssreg.org
GIRL SCOUTS (K-8th grade)
Dates: Ongoing
When: Second or third Thursday of every month 3:00 – 4:15 PM
Cost: $15/year
Register online: girlscoutsem.org
(Troop 13, Neighborhood 8, District 12)
Questions? Feel free to contact the front office!
FIRST LEGO LEAGUE/ROBOTICS (Elementary & Adolescent)
Dates: Ongoing
Contact: Andy Matthys-Pearce andymp7@gmail.com
Contact: Danette Greer danette.greer@icloud.com
CHESS (Ages 5+ to Adolescent, Older siblings accepted)
Dates: Starts September 15th
When: Fridays 3:15 – 4:45 PM
Cost: $230 (10 sessions)
Contact: Loal at: thedavisschool@yahoo.com
Checks, cash, credit card payable to The Davis School
Registration and check/cash payment returned to CMS
VIOLIN, VIOLA AND CELLO LESSONS (Ages 4+, no experience necessary)
Dates: Starts September 13th
When: Wednesdays (3:15 – 3:45 PM beginners, and 3:45 – 4:45 students with little experience or more)
Cost: (beginners 10 – 30 minutes sessions $150) (experienced 10 – 1 hour sessions$200)
Contact: Loal at: thedavisschool@yahoo.com
Checks, cash, credit card payable to The Davis School
Instruments can be rented through St. Louis Strings, which the Davis School will arrange. Parents are responsible for rental.
Registration and check/cash payment returned to CMS
GYMNASTICS (Ages 3-5 yrs, 6-9 yrs)
Dates: September 11th-October 2nd
When: Mondays 3:00 – 3:50 PM
Cost: $64
Contact: Paul coachpaul2206@gmail.com
Registration and Payment Online: HinrgGymnastix Mobile Outreach